Curating With Light Luggage
This publication originates from a symposium which was one module of the project Telling Histories: An archive and three case studies. The symposium reflects on historical and actual models of art institutions and organisations that deal with production and circulation of art and ideas in an experimental and flexible way. It takes into consideration the complexity of artistic practises produced since the 60s that can adopt a wide range of variable formats, in many cases focused on strategies that establish relations between different systems or disciplines rather than producing a final visual object. How can these structures exist in places where there is not an established art institution, with an infra‑structure present in regions such as Western Europe or the U.S.? How do you make these platforms possible and effective without making them into something with a permanent or rigid state?
Данные книги
Институциональная критика, История выставок, Кураторские практики
Гиллик Лиам (Автор статьи), Куэвас Минерва (Автор статьи), Козловский Ярослав (Автор статьи), Обрист Ханс Ульрих (Автор статьи), Линд Мария (Автор статьи, Автор вступительной статьи), Стейнер Барбара (Автор статьи), Фрейре Кристина (Автор статьи), Делисс Клементин (Автор статьи)
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