Dreams and Conflicts: The Dictatorship of the Viewer — The 50th International Art Exhibition — La Biennale Di Venezia
Dreams and Conflicts — The Dictatorship of the Viewer is the exhibition catalogue of the 50th Venice Biennale. 250 artists, 63 foreign countries, Iran makes its debut, China comes, Mexico returns, technology takes a back seat, the great artists return, everything starts again from 1964...Dreams and Conflicts will not show political art, but rather a reflection on the politics of art. The viewer's experience before the exceptional nature of the artist's vision. Two contemporary subjects divided simply by a different look. The book is divided into the following sections: Z.O.U. Zone of Urgency: Zones where artistic creation has accelerated powerfully in the last ten years: China, Korea, Vietnam, Brazil, India; Individual Systems by Igor Zabel: Artists who use their own creative language to create a world of independent images as defence against the ideological aggression of society, particularly in East Europe. The Structure of Survival by Carlos Basualdo: The ways in which artists and architects have reacted against the effects of the financial recessions and politics of structural adaptation in developing countries.
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- Sogni / Dreams1999
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- Время обнимать и уклоняться от объятий2021