Architectural Theory: From the Renaissance to the Present
If you’ve ever wondered what goes through architects’ minds when they design buildings, you’ll be happy to know that there’s no shortage of brilliant reading material to satisfy your curiosity. Wading through the archives at your local library may prove fruitful to your endeavor, but it won’t give you the instant gratification that Architecture Theory will. This book brings together all of the most important and influential essays about architecture written since the Renaissance, copiously illustrated and neatly organized chronologically by country. From Alberti and Palladio to Le Corbusier and Koolhaas, the best treatises by architecture’s greatest masters are gathered here, each accompanied by an essay discussing its historical context and significance. This is the all-in-one, must-have book for anyone interested in what architects have to say about their craft.
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Evers Bernd (Автор вступительной статьи), Biermann Veronica (Автор статьи), Sigel Paul (Автор статьи), Фрайганг Кристиан (Автор статьи), Thoenes Christof (Автор статьи), Paul Jurgen (Автор статьи), Руль Карстен (Автор статьи), Люпфер Гилберт (Автор статьи), Zimmer Jurgen (Автор статьи), Gronert Alexander (Автор статьи), Кремейер Ярл (Автор статьи), Jobst Christoph (Автор статьи), Klein Barbara Borngasser (Автор статьи)
Росси Альдо, Альберти Леон Баттиста, Колхас Рем, Рёскин Джон, Джонсон Филип, Палладио Андреа, Ле Корбюзье
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