Graffiti and Street Art
Whether adored or abhorred, graffiti and street art provoke passionate debate. This is the first comprehensive popular survey of the art movement around the world. Organized thematically, it explores the origins of the movement and its evolution, the relationship between street art and the urban environment, its interactions with (or rejection of) the market and the world of commercial galleries, and the culture of street art online. The book features a wide range of artists working in different media and styles across multiple countries. It explains the terms and language of street art-from tags and throwies to culture jamming and subvertising-as well as its multiple influences and sub-genres.
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- Taking the Train: How Graffiti Art Became an Urban Crisis in New York City2001
- The Technique of Kinetic Art1971
- Performance and Phenomenology: Traditions and Transformations2015
- ВНИК: Декабрьские тезисы оТо2009
- Части стен 22018
- The Practice of Public Art2008
- Новые медиа в искусстве2018
- Biomediale: Современное общество и геномная культура2004
- Искусство аутсайдеров: путеводитель2005
- Performance Art: From Futurism to the Present2011
- Public Art: Theory, Practice and Populism2008
- Performance Art: From Futurism to the Present2006