How to survive modern art
Modern art arouses many different responses. Suspicion, controversy, and misunderstanding are among the most frequent. But it doesn’t need to be like that! Here is a clear, accessible, fully illustrated introduction to what can otherwise seem like a daunting subject. Covering everything from Impressionism to the Harlem Renaissance, from Cezanne to Postmodernism, in clearly laid-out sections illustrated in full color, this book answers the need for a thorough yet manageable guide to art in the modern world. With the authority of Tate, one of the world’s greatest museums of modern art, combined with clear text and superb illustrations, this book presents everything necessary for a basic grounding in the subject. With sections that cover the major movements and artists in the history of modern art as well as introductions to its major themes, together with suggested ways of looking at modern art and tips on where to see it, as well as a glossary of key terms, How to Survive Modern Art is the ideal book for anyone wanting to come to grips with this fascinating subject.
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Кольвиц Кете, Дюшан Марсель, Шагал Марк, Пикассо Пабло, Джонс Джаспер, Клее Пауль, Кирхнер Эрнст Людвиг, Кало Фрида, Лемпицка Тамара де, Бранкузи Константин, Бэкон Фрэнсис, Фрейд Люсьен, Роден Франсуа Огюст Рене, Джакометти Альберто, Пикабиа Франсис, Малевич Казимир, Кирико Джорджо де, Мондриан Пит, Уорхол Энди
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