Song of the Earth: European Artists and the Landscape
Song of the Earth showcases the work of five important contemporary artists (Herman de Vries, Chris Drury, Nikolaus Lang, Richard Long and Giuseppe Penone) who work in the landscape and make use of the materials and processes of nature. Their methods favour observation, collecting and forms of manipulation that are more reflective than intrusive, setting them firmly apart from artists of the American Land Art movement working over the same period. This artists do not belong to a particular school, but they are united by their empathy for nature and their decision to work outside the urban contexts of much modernist art. Interviews with the artists reveal both widely differing motivation in their approaches to their work and striking similiarities in their underlying concerns, and, sometimes, in their methods of working. The introductory essay by Mel Gooding places these artists in both historical and contemporary contexts, as well as discussing other artists including Joseph Beuys, Sjoerd Buisman, Hamish Fulton, Andy Goldsworthy and David Nash.
Данные книги
Графика, Инсталляция, Интервью, Лэнд‑арт, Пейзаж, Перформанс, Природа, Фотография
Дрери Крис, Лэнг Николаус, Лонг Ричард, Бёйсман Сьорд, Фултон Хемиш, Фриз Херман де, Пеноне Джузеппе, Бойс Йозеф, Голдзуорти Энди, Нэш Дэвид
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