Between 1956 and 1968 the rise of Pop radically shifted the boundaries between popular culture, the vernacular, the everyday, on one hand and the established aesthetic limits of art, photography, cinema and architecture on the other. This book surveys the Pop image as it developed in the work of the most influential artists of the era and those photographers, filmmakers and architects who created parallel transformations in their fields. Providing coverage of American and European work and perspectives, this is the most wide-ranging survey of Pop available.
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Гамильтон Ричард Уильям, Раушенберг Роберт, Джонс Джаспер, Блейк Питер, Индиана Роберт, Фальстрём Ойвинд, Рушей Эд, Вессельман Том, Франк Роберт, Лихтенштейн Рой, Смит Ричард, Тек Пол, Олденбург Клас, Рихтер Герхард, Хокни Дэвид, Уорхол Энди, Коннер Брюс
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709.043 Pop
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