Photographers A‑Z
Arranged alphabetically, this biographical encyclopedia features every major photographer of the 20th centuryalongside her or his most significant monographs. From the earliest representatives of classical Modernism right up to the present day, Photographers A‑Z celebrates those photographers who have distinguished themselves with important publications or exhibitions, and who have made a significant contribution to the culture of the photographic image. The entries include photographers from North America and Europe as well as from Japan, Latin America, Africa, and China. Richly illustrated with facsimiles from books and magazines, the collection also features photographers working in “applied” areas, whose work is regarded as photographic art. Star turns include Julius Shulman, Terry Richardson,Cindy Sherman, and David LaChapelle.
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Эбботт Беренис, Бирд Питер Хилл, Адамс Ансель Истон, Дэвидсон Брюс, Беллмер Ханс, Капа Роберт, Корбейн Антон, Блюменфельд Эрвин, Блоссфельдт Карл, Арбус Диана, Байер Герберт, Аведон Ричард, Кёртис Эдвард Шериф, Брандт Билл, Брассай, Клерг Люсьен, Бассман Лиллиан, Barbieri Gian Paolo, Адамс Роберт, Бурри Рене, Араки Нобуёси, Атже Жан Эжен Огюст, Битон Сесил, Каллахан Гэрри Морей
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