The figure of Balla within Italian art of the first half of the century appears, first of all, characterized by the irreducibility of a proteiforme work. The proceeding of the artist’s studies by this time leads to overcoming the label of Futurism, by way of which his work was previously revisited, in order to attempt another road which is more in conformity with the polyhedrical dimension of a work which untiringly continued for more than sixty years. Erudite in its totality Balla’s work immediately refers back to the figure of the “monstre sacre” who lives with brush in hand, making an existential reality of art. Overcome the protest, and the Futurist utopia routed, Balla is still there, living the only certainty which remains fro him: painting. And this is enough for him in order to continuously re-launch the comparison with the signs of the sensible world.

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Lista Giovanni


Балла Джакомо

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Edizioni Galleria Fonte D'Abisso



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