Francis Picabia. Catalogue raisonné. Volume II (1915–1927)
The Francis Picabia Catalogue Raisonné is published on the initiative of the Comite Picabia and its President, Pierre Calte. The second of an important multi‑volume catalogue project, this publication features work by Francis Picabia (1879–1953) that dates from 1915 into mid‑1927. Beginning with Picabia’s elaboration of a personal machinist aesthetic, the book continues by looking at the artist’s central role in the formulation of the Paris Dada movement. That irreverent movement included Picabia’s increasingly provocative mechanomorphic compositions, complemented by his unorthodox writings and graphic designs as well as socially powerful performances. The volume finishes with a look at Picabia’s creations of the mid‑1920s, which included memorable collages and flamboyant figurative compositions known as the “monsters”.
Данные книги
Авангард, Графика, Дадаизм, Живопись, Книга художника, Перформанс, Сюрреализм
Clements Candace (Автор статьи), Calte Beverley (Автор статьи), Verdier Aurelie (Автор статьи), Pierre Arnauld (Автор статьи), Кэмфилд Уильям А. (Автор статьи)
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