Show Time: the Most Influential Exhibitions of Contemporary Art
Revised and updated edition. Tracing a history of the field through its most innovative shows, renowned curator Jens Hoffmann selects the exhibitions that have most significantly shaped the practice of both artists and exhibition curators. The book’s thematic sections focus on a huge variety of exhibitions, including those that have explored public space; reflected on globalization; engaged audiences in revolutionary ways; and brought into the gallery other disciplines such as theatre and architecture. Short texts introduce and place each exhibition in context, accompanied by installation photographs and factual data about the participating artists, venues, dates, curators and publications, and many feature quotations from the originating curators exploring the premise of the show. The book concludes with a roundtable discussion by some of today’s leading curators.
Данные книги
Young British Artists, documenta, Азия, Африка, Бразилия, Великобритания, Венецианская биеннале, Инсталляция, История выставок, Концептуальное искусство, Кураторские практики, Перформанс, США, Сайт‑специфик, Скульптура
Голден Тельма, Гиллик Лиам, Уилсон Фред, Энвезор Окуи, Джони Массимилиано, Шиммел Пол, Обрист Ханс Ульрих, Келли Майк
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