Architecture: the Whole Story
From ancient and classical masterpieces to contemporary, cutting‑edge buildings, architecture has defined our world throughout history. Drawing its examples from all around the globe, Architecture: The Whole Story is a richly illustrated and comprehensive account of the architects, plans, designs and constructions that over the centuries have most engaged our minds, inspired our imaginations and raised our spirits. For everyone who has ever wished for greater insight into the art of building design, Architecture: The Whole Story provides the analytical tools to appreciate to the fullest the variety of architectural achievement and the built environment in the world.
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Роджерс Ричард (Автор вступительной статьи), Gumuchdjian Philip (Автор вступительной статьи)
Сааринен Ээро, Андо Тадао, Ле Корбюзье, Хадид Заха, Певзнер Николаус, Алвар Аалто, Бём Готфрид, Гери Фрэнк
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