Пост‑утопия. Post‑utopia. Paintings and installations by the Soviet Conceptualists
This catalogue is dedicated to an exhibition “POST‑UTOPIA: Paintings and Installations by the Soviet Conceptualists” that was held on 23.01.1989-18.02.1989 in Southeastern Massachusetts University Art Gallery. Eric Bulatov wrote on this occasion: “Our position is different from the position of other writers and artists who speak out against Soviet power… The way i see the problem, it`s not at all that there’s something we have to change about the world, it’s that the entirety pf this world is entirely false; there’s no possible way of seein it as authentic”.
Данные книги
Выставки российских художников за рубежом, Концептуальное искусство, Неофициальное искусство, Утопия
Кабаков Илья (Автор статьи), Булатов Эрик (Автор статьи), Алешандро Мело (Автор статьи), Antonsen Lasse B. (Автор статьи)
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705.2 1989
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