Explore the best architecture of the 21st century in this collection of 1037 exemplary buildings sited all over the world in the Phaidon Atlas of 21st Century World Architecture. Divided into six world regions, the Phaidon Atlas of 21st Century World Architecture provides an important overview of global and local trends in architecture. This truly unparalleled resource presents easily accessible world data exploring the geographical contexts for 21st century architectural production in a global framework. Each of the six world regions is introduced by an analysis of urban and architectural issues. This statistical information has been researched and elaborated by a team from the London School of Economics. This collection of key buildings has been chosen through a rigorous selection process involving a panel of expert advisors with specialist input from each world region. The list includes the work of an emerging generation of architectural stars featured alongside buildings by internationally acclaimed architects. Each building is fully illustrated with drawings and photographs, and described by a short essay. Further information includes key facts such as construction cost, client name, area of the building and geographical coordinates. Cross-referencing between projects enables the user to find other buildings by the same architect included in the book. In addition, a mass of useful information is provided including details of architects' practices and extensive indexes.

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