Working‑class Images of Society
How do men come to perceive and evaluate a world in which marked inequalities of class and status exist? This book considers the nature of class images and their underlying work and community structures. Beginning with the argument that the perception of society varies according to type of work and community milieux, it first considers the social imagery of working‑class professions and their sources of variation, and then examines some of the methodological problems of the study of class imagery. The nature of proletarian traditionalism and radicalism in then contemporary Britain is discussed in conclusion. This title will be of interest to students of sociology.
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Bulmer Martin (Автор вступительной статьи), Lockwood David (Автор статьи), Bell Colin (Автор статьи), Cousins Jim (Автор статьи), Allcorn D.H. (Автор статьи), Willener Alfred (Автор статьи), Newby Howard (Автор статьи), Brown Richard (Автор статьи), Salaman Graeme (Автор статьи), Moore Robert S. (Автор статьи), Martin Roderick (Автор статьи), Batstone Eric (Автор статьи)
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