Floating Worlds and Future Cities: The Genius of Lazar Khidekel, Suprematism, and the Russian Avant-Garde
The catalogue was published in conjuction with “Floating Worlds and Future Cities: The Genius of Lazar Khidekel, Suprematism, and the Russian Avant‑Garde”, an exhibition held in New York at the YIVO Institute for Jewish Research from April 21 to July 30, 2013. This exhibition and accompanying symposium and catalog explored Khidekel’s biography and work, the Jewish contribution to the Russian avant‑garde, the glory of Vitebsk (“the Paris of the East,” as it was known during this period), and was focused on Lazar Khidekel's role in the transition of Suprematism from painting to architecture, cosmic urbanization, and radical yet environmentally conscious city planning of the future.
Данные книги
Авангард, Архитектура, Биография, Графика, Личные документы, Супрематизм, УНОВИС
36 страниц
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