Experiences of Art. Reflections on Masterpieces
'Experiences of Art: Reflections on Masterpiece's is a book that explores themes in the history of art through the insights of students. The book engages themes such as the origins of creativity in prehistoric art, the meaning and significance of the classical paradigm in art history since antiquity, the actual application of Renaissance art theory to an examination of famous masterpieces, an exploration of a new area of philosophical inquiry that reexamines the 18th century as both a period of rationalism and anti-rationalism (rather than the “Age of Reason”), and the tradition of individual subjectivity and expression in modern art reaching back to van Gogh.
Данные книги
Живопись, Искусствознание и арт-критика, Лекции, Творческий процесс, Философия, Экспрессионизм
Пикассо Пабло, Ле Корбюзье, Мондриан Пит, Брандт Марианна, Да Винчи Леонардо, Шиле Эгон, Пиранези Джованни Баттиста, Матисс Анри, Кандинский Василий, Оппенгейм Мерет, Альберс Анни, Дюшан Марсель, Фридрих Каспар Давид, Ван Гог Винсент
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