Red Dot Design Yearbook 2016/2017: Doing
“Doing” showcases products from activity and lifestyle oriented areas such as garden, leisure, sport and games, babies and children, fashion, lifestyle and accessories, as well as watches and jewelery. Additionall, the design team of the year, as well as designer and jury portraits will be shown.
Данные книги
Nabarro Ron A., Husslein Simon, Simon Boris, Scully Michael, Fleischhut Dirk, Parn Martin, Bost Bart, Toft Nils, Okuyama Ken, Hermsen Herman, Hong Song Kee, Miklavc Jure, Hinrichsen Carlos, Bangle Chris, Venlet Danny, Wermekes Gunter, Kiss Sally, Neumeister Alexander, Brunner Gisbert L., Peters Sascha, Bucher Rudiger, Nah Ken, Nandan Raj, Zhang Zehui, Hyvonen Tapani, Creance Vincent, Eckstein Stefan, Ong Simon, Choo Jimmy, Hamaguchi Hideshi, Otto Johanna, Lu Lam Leslie, Fuentes Alvarez, Juhlin Oskar, da Costa Guto Indio, Verlini Alejo, Ave Masayo, Meyer-Hayoz Wolfgang K., Eke Kristian, Reichlin Andreas, Brand Rainer, Beeh Martin, Cheng Vivian Wai-kwan, Kuan Cheng-Neng, Andersen David, Aisslinger Werner, Bruce Gordon, Lockwood Thomas, Fugener Lutz, Chang Tony K. M., He Renke, Fasbender Patric, Назаров Юрий, Lassus Kristiina, Bocchietto Luisa, Puranen Jan, Kidd Simon, Ньюсон Марк
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