OCA's Verksted is a series of publications launched by Office for Contemporary Art Norway in 2003 to commission research focused on current discourses relating to contemporary cultural production, culture and aesthetics. The Verksted series constitutes an integral part of OCA's programme to investigate the relationship between philosophy and aesthetics in the form of interrelated seminars and workshops. The publications explore not only the most recent tendencies in art production but review particular points of political radicality throughout the Modernist period.
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- Vita activa, или О деятельной жизни2000
- Понимание медиа: внешние расширения человека2014
- Девочка с пальчик2016
- Экология разума2000
- Логос. — 2011, № 1 (80)2011
- Politik der Unsterblichkeit: Vier Gespraeche mit Thomas Knoefel2002
- Difference/Indifference: Musings on Postmodernism, Marcel Duchamp and John Cage2013
- Новая философия общества: Теория ассамбляжей и социальная сложность2018
- Теория религии. Литература и зло2000
- Artforum International. — 2018. V. 57 no. 32018
- Антропологические традиции: стили, стереотипы, парадигмы2012