An invaluable activist resource, this book assembles the best ideas of 10 groundbreaking organizations and over 70 troublemakers into a set of interlocking design principles. Use it to instigate anything from a flash mob to a revolution. From Cairo to cyberspace, from Main Street to Wall Street, today's social movements have a creative new edge that's blurring the boundaries between artist and activist, hacker and dreamer. But the principles that make for successful creative action rarely get hashed out or written down. Beautiful Trouble brings together ten grassroots groups and dozens of seasoned artists and activists from around the world to distill their best practices into a toolbox for creative action. Among the groups included are Agit‑Pop/The Other 98%, The Yes Men/Yes Labs, Code Pink, SmartMeme, The Ruckus Society, Beyond the Choir, The Center for Artistic Activism, Waging Nonviolence, Alliance of Community Trainers and Nonviolence International.

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The Yes Men

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