Marcel Duchamp: The Bride stripped bare by her bachelors, even

Marcel Duchamp began to make 'The Bride Stripped Bare by her Bachelors, Even' (or the 'Large Glass', as it is often known) in New York in September 1915 and continued to work on it at intervals until he set out for a trip to Europe in February 1923, when he pronounced it definitively unfinished. It was bought by Walter C. Arensberg in 1918, but on moving to Los Angeles in 1921 he sold it to Katherine S. Dreier so that it could remain in New York and Duchamp could continue to work on it. In 1926 it was shattered while returning from its first exhibition, the International Exhibition of Modern Art at the Brooklyn Museum. The damage was not discovered until the case was opened several years later and the work was eventually repaired in 1936 by Duchamp himself, who secured the pieces between two sheets of heavier plate glass clamped together by a metal frame. After Katherine Dreier's death in 1952 it passed to the Philadelphia Museum of Art, where it is now.

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